주요 부품을 구입할수 있는곳


1. 앰프케이스

   DHT Sound :  http://www.dhtsound.com  : 10만원

   소리전자     :  http://www.soriaudio.com/

   은포전자     :  http://eunpo.com/bbs.php3?db=vacuum_sash&inc=read&no=140  : 5만원


2. 진공관구입

    소리전자     :   http://www.soriaudio.com/html/sell_market/sub.php?forum_id=part

    이베이옥션  :  http://ebay.auction.co.kr/?

    오디오파트  :  http://www.audioparts.co.kr/

    오디오짱     :  http://audiozang.com/shop/step1.php?number=530


3. 트랜스제작 및 구입

    소리전자     :  http://www.soriaudio.com/html/sell_component/sub.php?pageMode=products_trans

    DHT Sound  :  http://www.dhtsound.com/

    오디오파트  :  http://www.audioparts.co.kr/product/list.html?Bcode=12


4. 스피커인클로우저 제작

    voicewood.com : http://www.voicewood.com/

    나무아트           : http://cafe.daum.net/konglong?t__nil_cafemy=item


5. 기타부품

    디바이스마트 :  http://www.devicemart.co.kr/goods/view.php?seq=1786

                           빠르고 포장 굳, 검색 편함

    엘파트           :  http://elparts.co.kr/goods_detail.php?goodsIdx=7800

                           볼륨 노브 외....

     IC114            :  http://www.ic114.com/ajaxwww/site/SC/30L0.ASPX?tree=080401

                           각종 전자부품

    컴퓨터조각     :  http://cafe.naver.com/sqsound.cafe

                           샤시 가공 및 레터링

    샤시 조각집    : 몰포조각 (010-4288-0941)

                            원효전자상가  6동 2층 4호

    스피커 천갈이 :  http://speakernet.co.kr/index.php


    커플링콘데서  : http://blog.naver.com/PostList.nhn?blogId=funaudio&categoryNo=26

                          젠센, 호블랜드 콘덴서 구입

      커플링콘데서  : http://powerfulsound.com/

                          (파워풀사운드)   러시아 오일 콘덴서 외

    권선 가변저항 : http://www.pkele.co.kr/shop.php?goFile=sub/catalog&CatNo=3


    케이스 외       : http://www.pedalparts.co.kr/shop/main/index.php

                          (페달파츠) 케이스외 여러 부품












1. RCA 1626 Vacuum Tubes NOS 구입

1626 진공관을 이베이옥션 경매에서 48개 구입하였다.(너무 많이 구입한듯한 느낌도...ㅎ)

전에 구입한것도 약 50개 정도(실바니아는 개당 8만원씩에 구입)니까 총 100개 정도.

쓰다가 남은 것들은 장기 보관 하여야 할듯.


미국 . ebay.com

판매자 : cooltubes

Large Lot of 12 Matching RCA 1626 Vacuum Tubes NOS

가격    :  12개  : 116,400원

              12개  : 105,850원

              12개  : 105,850원

              12개  : 105,850원     총 48개  ,  총433,950원








Up for Auction is a nice Lot of 12 RCA 1626 Vacuum Tubes that I am selling as NOS and will test as such. All Tubes have the H2E Matching date codes and have been placed in new modern Boxes. Check out my feedback and bid with confidence.

These beautiful Tubes are new and unused. They have been placed in new modern boxes and are sure to please.  I have personally inspected all of the Tubes and found all bases are tight, have zero filament loss and appear to be defect free. (I have not tested them.)  I have not cleaned any of the Tubes for fear of compromising their usability therefore they may have a little dust on them. The Tubes have been in storage since the 50’s and were acquired in bulk form.


If you reside outside of the United States, shipping, import-duty and tax will apply and be at the buyer’s expense. We will not ship to Italy.   


I have many Tubes for sale, should you have an interest in larger quantities, please let me know and I will put together a special package for you.


It you have any questions please send me a message and I will respond.


No returns on Tubes that appear to have been used by the purchaser. All Shipping charges are non-refunable.







2. 2616 (Tung Sol Vacuum Tubes NOS VT-137) 12개 추가 구입 (2012.8.27구입)

즉시구매가 $49.5 (58,500) (vip 할인 5,000원) 총구입비 : 100,540원

판매자 : cooitubes (미국)


1. 6N2P (Ecc83) 9pcs, all - 1968산 (2012.6.2구입)

   즉시구매가 $20 (24,483원) 총구입비 (60,970원) - vip 할인 5,000원

   판매자 : Ukraine - suchoy46


12ax7과 비슷한 특성이나 히타전압에 주의 해야한다.

12ax7은 직,병열 사용에 따라 12V , 6V를 사용할수있으나

6N2P는 6V만 사용한다.

 6N1P보다 증폭율(100)이 크다.














2. 6N1P (E88CC) 8pcs, all - 1970산 (2012.6.5구입)

즉시구매가 $12.95 (15,740원) 총구입비 (50,640원) - vip 할인 5,000원

판매자 : Russian Federation - siberian-shop






증폭율 35

General characteristics
(at UH=6.3V, UA=250V, RK=600 Ohm):

Type 6N1P 6N1PVI 6N1PEV
Filament (heater) current, mA 600±50 600±50 600±50
Anode current, mA 5,6 - 10,5 7,5±1,5 7,5±1,5
Reverse grid current, mkA £1 £0,5 £0,2
Dissipate cathode-heater current, mkA £15 £15 £12
Mutual conductance, mA/V 4,5±1,0 4,45±0,65 4,5±0,8
Gain coefficient 35±7 35±7 35±7
Input resistance (by f=60 MHz), Kohm
Equivalent noise resistance, Kohm
Vibration noise (by RA=2 KOhm), mV £100 £80 £50
Inter electrode capacitance, pF:



output 1st triode 1.6±0.5 1.75±0.5 1.75±0.5
output 2nd triode 1.7±0.5 1.95±0.5 1.75±0.5
transfer 1.85±2.2 £2.6 £2.6
Operation period, hrs ³3000 ³3000



3. Tung-Sol 12AX7 / ECC83  NEW, Matched Pair (2012.9.20)구입

       $ 24.99   판매자 : gobble75

        총구입비 : 56,580원



      $15.5     판매자 : thetubeking
       총구입비용 : 44,860원



5. 6N2P-V (Ecc83) 9pcs, all - 60'산 (2012.10.8구입)

즉시구매가 $22 (25,538원) 총구입비 (57,570원)

판매자 : Lithuania .  frau-olia



6. Excellent Matched Pair Sylvania 6V6G VT-107-B (2013.1.3구입)

즉시구매가 : $69.99 (78,331원) , 미국 판매자 : bcguital

총구입가 : 110,060원

An excellent Matched set of 6V6Gs. They match for plate current, transconductance and construction! Where 4100 is nominal new these test great at 4100 & 4200! Also at 400 plate volts these match within 2.4ma @ 35.4 and 33.0! Great mil spec audio tubes! one of the finest sounding 6V6Gs ever! Please ask questions Before buying.





7. 6V6 6P6S (6П6C) Audiophile Tubes (2012.12)

    구매가 :  $8    (8,953원)

    총비용 :  33,520원    판매자 : 미국 desertrattler1709


Lot of 2 6P6S - High Quality Russian Audiophile Tubes ~ Drop In Equivalents to the 6V6 / 6V6GT / 1515 / 587

All new, never used, fine condition ~ New in Box ~ Produced 1980s (Reflektor plant - Saratov city)

High Quality, Spec Version, "OTK", Military Rhombus ! 

These tubes Test NEW ... with No Shorts or Grid Leaks... All These Tube Pass Emission Test :

Tube 1 - 100    # 2 - 100    MATCHED PAIR Testing only ~   In original box with datasheet!

   Matching Date Codes

 Sencore Might Mite IV Tube Tester

0-50 = BAD

60 = ?

70-120 = Good    NOTE: Most New or NOS Tubes rarely test over 100 on this tester. 

These  ... Sound Awesome.  ". Great Tonal Caracteristics... The Pentode Power Tube is one most rugged made , yet  balanced  overall sounding tubes. Vintage Russian Military Speced tubes still to this day perform better & sound far better than most current production tubes.

As with most things audio... results vary w/ system designs & pre-amp tube choice. Basically... if ya have low grade Walmart? CD player linked to a Cheezy set of Speakers... hooked up to a nice tube amp... Hmmm ... Can you hear the shrill? ....  LOL




























진공관 검색 싸이트 모음




















Telefunken: Gavotte 55 (1954-5)

2011. 11. 12일 45만원에 구입하였다. (전원잡음이 있어서 콘덴서 교체하여야 할듯)

50년이 지난 물건이 이리도 깨끗할수가

소리는 튜브와 콘덴서 노화로 험과 음질이 좀...

험을 무시하고 들으면 가야금 소리가 일품이다....ㅎ

모노인데도 스테레오이상의 소리가 나는듯하다.










아래의 진공관은 원래 꼽혀있는것인데 물에다 치약으로 딱으니

라벨이 다지워져 버렸다...헐 (그 뒤로는 핀만 치약으로 딲는다)


아래 사이트는 라디오와 진공관 규격을 볼수있는 사이트다.



Country:  Germany
Manufacturer/Brand:  Telefunken Deutschland (TFK)
Year: 1954/1955 Type: Radio - or past WW2 tuner
Valves / Tubes 6: ECC85 ECH81 EF89 EABC80 EM80 EL84

Principle Super-Heterodyne (Super in general); IF-Freq 460 kHz
Tuned circuits 6 AM circuit(s)     9 FM-circuit(s)
Wave bands Broadcast, Long Wave and FM.
Power type and voltage Alternating Current supply (AC) / 110/240 Volt
Loudspeaker 2 Loudspeakers
Power out
from Radiomuseum.org Model: Gavotte 55
Material Wooden case
Shape Tablemodel with Push Buttons.
Dimensions (WHD) 475 x 335 x 195 mm / 18.7 x 13.2 x 7.7 inch
Notes Schaltung zeigt Exportvariante für USA. baugleich mit AEG 3054WU
Net weight (2.2 lb = 1 kg) 7.3 kg / 16 lb 1.3 oz (16.079 lb)
Price in first year of sale 269 DM
Collectors' prices 39 Collector prices (for members Radiomuseum.org)  
External source of data Erb
Source of data Rundfunk- +Fernseh-Kat 1954/55 /





1. 6HS6  (Pair of Westinghouse) Tubes

     2012. 1. 9 이베이 구입 (미국 - ko4ma)

     경매가 $5.67 (6,864원),     총구입비 28,180원


This auction is for a pair of Westinghouse 6HS6 tubes. They are untested but new old stock. The pins are tarnished and should be cleaned before using.



Base Miniatur-7-Pin-Base B7G, USA 1940
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If: 0.45 Ampere / -: Indirect / -: Parallel, (AC/DC) /
Tube prices 4 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Literature Essential Characteristics, GE 1973   


  6HS6: Courtesy Bureau Belper (De Muiderkring, Bussum), Scan Frank Philipse
Michael Schlör




2. 6HS6  ( Pair Of National Brand Made In USA Tubes)

    2012. 1. 9 ebay구입  (미국-ko4ma)

    경매가 $8.04 (9,734원) 총구입비 : 31,200원



This auction is for a pair of untested, new old stock, National 6HS6 tubes.


3. Radio VacuumTubes 6BN8 RCA (4) NOS/NIB)

     2012. 2. 18 ebay구입  (미국-esrc)

    즉시구입가 $20.99 (24,592원) 총구입비 : 50,470원(쿠폰-5,000원)




The Noval TwinDiode-Triode 6BN8 has nothing to do w/ the Octal(K8A)TwinDiode-Pentode 6BN8G                                                           

 6bn8.gif       no120_g_1.gif



     2012. 2. 23 ebay구입 (미국-vintedge61)

     경매가 $10.99 (12,882원) 총구입비 : 34,540원(29,540원-5,000원 할인)


ef89.gif    no10.png








2012. 2. 23 ebay구입 (미국-naes33)

경매가 $4.99 (12,882원) 총구입비 : 34,030원(29,030원-5,000원 할인)





2012. 3. 9 ebay구입 (미국-1_2_savewith )

경매가 $16.5 (19,199원) 총구입비 : 42,480원(-5,000원 할인)

Tube type: Vacuum Pentode
Tube ID = 4928
Identical to6HR6

Base Miniatur-7-Pin-Base B7G, USA 1940
FilamentVf 6.3 Volts / If: 0.45 Ampere / -: Indirect /
Tube prices 0 Tube prices (visible for members only)

Essential Characteristics, GE 1973


6hr6.gif    6hr6_sock.png



Up for auction is a matched pair GE branded IBM 6211 tubes used--gray plates--double side "D" getter--mfg date code 60-35/188-4. Tested 3250/3000 and 3250/3000 on a military TV-7 tester where minimum good is 2250/2250 uhmos and new is 3600/3600. Also tested for shorts, grid emission on B&K 707 tester. Note: MFG logo and date are somewhat worn off.


2012. 5. 2 ebay구입 (미국-raysfault )

경매가 $12 (14,108원) 총구입비 : 34,860원 (-5,000원 할인)




Tube type: Double Triode
Tube ID = 6015
Identical to6211
Similar TubesOther class quality (otherwise equal):
Predecessor Tubes1684

Base Noval, B9A
FilamentVf 12.6 Volts / If: 0.15 Ampere / -: Indirect / -: Parallel / series AC/DC /
Description Dual triode, computer rated, separate cathodes version of 5840.
Text in other languages (may differ)
Tube prices 0 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Literature Essential Characteristics, GE 1973
Röhren-Taschen-Tabelle 14.A, (Franzis RTT)
Tube Lore, Sibley, USA 1996

6211: Franckh`scheVerlagshandlung Stuttgart
Heinz Höger
6211: NL
Nikolaus Löwe

6211: Telefunken Taschenbuch 1971
Anonymous 15 Collector

8. 2 Vintage Sylvania 12AU7 A Tubes - Test NOS - 1963


2012. 5. 3 ebay구입 (미국-vintage_amp_parts  )경매가 $11.49 (13,508원) 총구입비 : 34,470원 (-5,000원 할인)


This auction is for two vintage Sylvania 12AU7A tubes made in USA. Long grey plates, halo getters, copper grid posts. Matching date codes of week 13 of 1963. They test like new on a Jackson 648S at 130/130 and 130/130. 70 = minimum good, 130 = maximum.

The Buy It Now price is for two tubes.

Combined shipping is available.





Country: United States of America (USA) Brand: Common type USA tube
Tube type: Double Triode Universal
Tube ID = 5285
Identical to12AU7A = 7030
Similar TubesNormally replaceable-slightly different:
12AU7; 6680; ECC82
Heater different:
7AU7; 9AU7
First Source (s) 16.Jul.1954 : Electron Tube Registration List
Predecessor Tubes12AH7GT

Base Noval, B9A
FilamentVf 12.6 Volts / If: 0.15 Ampere / -: Indirect / -: Parallel / series AC/DC /
Tube prices 2 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Literature Essential Characteristics, GE 1973

12AU7A: RCA Tube Manual
                        Heinz Höger
12AU7A: Own collection
Kazimierz Jarosz

12AU7A: RTT 1974 (Franzis) 13. Auflage
Martin Renz

12AU7A: RCA Tube Manual
Peter Hoddow


9. Matched pair NOS NIB 12AU7 / 6211 USA IBM audio tube

 2012. 5. 8 ebay구입 (미국-smartpix69)

경매가 $9.05 (10,683원) 총구입비 : 32,210원 (-5,000원 할인)


NOS NIB 12AU7 / 6211 tubes

6211: Fine 1950s to early 1960s vintage tubes at a nice price. This computer grade tube is uiet, dynamic, with a very long operating life. Kick it up a notch with these killer tubes!



10. Tung-Sol 1626 Vacuum Tubes in original Boxes NOS

     2012.5.21 구입 (미국 cooltubes )

경매가 $49.5 (60,020원) 총구입비 : 111,470원 * 2 = 222,940원 (총 20개 구입)

Up for Auction is a super nice large Lot of 10 Tung-Sol 1626 Vacuum Tubes that I am selling as NOS and will test as such. These 10 Tubes come with the original Boxes. Check my feedback and bid with confidence.

These beautiful Tubes are new and unused. They are still in the original boxes and sure to please. I have personally inspected all of the Tubes and found all bases are tight and appear to be defect free. (I have not tested them.) I have not cleaned any of the Tubes for fear of compromising their usability therefore they may have a little dust on them. The Tubes have been in storage since the 50’s, so the boxes that appear in the pictures, while original may vary in condition


Country: United States of America (USA) Brand: Common type USA tube
Developer: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New York (NY)
Tube type:
Identical to1626 = VT-137 = CV1755
First Source (s) 1939 : Tube Lore, Sibley, USA 1996
Production stop 1966
Triode, vacuum
Base Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 (Codex=U)
FilamentVf 12.6 Volts / If: 0.25 Ampere / -: Indirect / -: Parallel, (AC/DC) /
Description High-frequency triode, mica-filled low-loss base, intended for use in stable VFOs.
Tube prices 0 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Literature Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49
Tube Lore, Sibley, USA 1996

11. RCA 1626 Vacuum Tubes in original Boxes NOS

2012.5.21 구입 (미국 cooltubes )

경매가 $49.5 (60,020원) 총구입비 : 111,470원 (총 10개구입)




























'오디오 앰프관련 > Audio 관련 제작' 카테고리의 다른 글

진공관규격 검색사이트  (0) 2012.02.24
Telefunken: Gavotte 55 [Radio]  (0) 2012.01.09
진공관구입-국내  (0) 2011.12.21
이베이 진공관구입 리스트-2  (0) 2011.12.11
주요품목 경매기록표  (0) 2011.09.13

1. AMPEREX(암페렉스) 6BQ5 - 2개 (50,000원) 택비 3,000원

   - 6BQ5 오극출력관 -  홀랜드(holland)제
   - 상태 : 신품 1개(제박스 있음), 중고 1개(신품 수치이상, 상태 이상없음)

      사진 왼쪽 2개




Vacuum Pentode Power/Output

6bq5.gif        no20_g_11.gif


2. RCA 초단관 크롬탑12AU7 페어 - 2011.12.23 구입

   RCA 초단관 크롬탑12AU7 페어이며 수치는 신품에 준합니다.
   TV-7 D/U 미니멈 56일 때 수치는 관에 적어놓았습니다.
   일괄 34,000원 (택비 3,000추가)

클릭시 확대이미지를 볼수 있습니다.

클릭시 확대이미지를 볼수 있습니다.

클릭시 확대이미지를 볼수 있습니다.

Double Triode Universal

12au7.gif    no15_5.png


3. 텔레푼켄 6BE6 (EK90) < >각인 신품BOX 4개 -2011.12.23구입 

    사진속 텔레푼켄 6BE6 (EK90)  < >각인 신품BOX 4개  실사진 참고
    텔레푼켄 6BE6 (EK90)  < >각인 신품BOX 2조(4개) 일괄 4만원
    내외관 동일한 텔레푼켄 < >각인입니다
    손으로 만지면 마크가 지워지는 관계로 구입자께서 먼지는 제거하세요.
    주로 튜너에 많이 사용됩니다





Pentagrid-Converter (Heptode) 

6be6.gif   6be6basediagram.png


 4.6X4 (JRC) * 1, 6X4WA (Tung-sol) * 1 개당 2만원 - 2개구입 (2011.12.23)

클릭시 확대이미지를 볼수 있습니다.
6X4    -  Full-Wave Vacuum Rectifier  

6x4.gif    6x4basediagram.png














1. 6CA4  Tubes  

  3개구입  NOS -  Lot Three GE Rectifier    (2011.11.28)
   $15 (18,000원) 총비용 49,730원


Identical to 6CA4 = EZ81
First Source (s) 27.Aug.1956 : Electron Tube Registration List
Predecessor Tubes 7Z4   6AX5GT  

Base Noval, B9A
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If: 1 Ampere / -: Indirect / -: Parallel, (AC/DC) /
Tube prices 0 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Literature Essential Characteristics, GE 1973   





2.  6AG11 tubes

NOS NIB new $1.50 each -3개구입 (2011.11.27)

개당 1,800원  * 3
총비용 30,680원






3.  DM70 (1M3)

     Vintage Pair of Mullard IM3 Vacuum Tubes Original Box and Packing
     2개구입 (2011.12.01)  $0.99 (1,180원)   총비용 34,990원





Identical to DM70 = 1M3
Similar Tubes Other base:
 1N3; DM71; Y25
First year   1952 Tube leaflet collection E.Erb Analysis by original leaflets [Kat440; 10.52=FS-Rö
First Source (s) 1952 : Philips-Archiv

Base Subminiatur (wire-ends, flat) B5A
Filament Vf 1.4 Volts / If: 0.025 Ampere / -: Direct / -: Parallel / series AC/DC /
Tube prices 0 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Literature Röhren-Taschen-Tabelle 14.A, (Franzis RTT)   






      $9.95 (11,999원)  총경비 42,940원  (2011.12.13 이베이구입)

Identical to ECH81 = 6AJ8 = 6i1p = X719 = 6C12 = CV2128 = 6U1 = ECH83
Similar Tubes Normally replaceable-slightly different:
Heater different:
First year   1952 Tube leaflet collection E.Erb Analysis by original leaflets
First Source (s) Apr.1952 : Telefunken-Röhrenmitteilungen TRM524
Predecessor Tubes ECH42   ECH43   ECH171  

Base Noval, B9A
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If: 0.3 Ampere / -: Indirect / -: Parallel / series AC/DC /
Description According to our profound investigations and tests, the tubes ECH81 and ECH83 are equal - not even tested differently, but only stamped differently. They naturally show different values for a different usage (volts anode). See this forum article here about that. 
Text in other languages (may differ)
Tube prices 7 Tube prices (visible for members only)




 5. 6BM8 (Mullard * 2)  25,928원 - 2011. 12.14 경매

     총금액 48,500원


Identical to 6BM8 = ECL82 = 6f3p
Similar Tubes Heater different:
First Source (s) 10.Sep.1956 : Electron Tube Registration List

Base Noval, B9A
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If: 0.78 Ampere / -: Indirect / -: Parallel, (AC/DC) /
Tube prices 0 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Literature Essential Characteristics, GE 1973   





6. 6AU6 ( 6HR6 대치품)

    *5개 (27,133원)  2011.12.14

    총비용 56,170원


Identical to 6AU6 = EF94 = 6j4p = 6P2 = CV2524
Similar Tubes Normally replaceable-slightly different:
 6AU6A; 6J4_China; 8425; M3622
Other class quality (otherwise equal):
 6136; 6AU6W; 6AU6WC; 7543
Heater different:
 12AU6; 8425A; CV1961
First Source (s) 25.Oct.1945 : Electron Tube Registration List
23.Oct.1945 : - - Manufacturers Literature RCA Data sheet
Predecessor Tubes 6SH7   7G7   7V7   7L7  

Base Miniatur-7-Pin-Base B7G, USA 1940 (Codex=Za)
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If: 0.3 Ampere / -: Indirect / -: Parallel / series AC/DC /
Tube prices 0 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Literature Essential Characteristics, GE 1973   
Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   

  6AU6: Courtesy Bureau Belper (De Muiderkring, Bussum), Scan Frank Philipse
Michael Schlör




7. ECC85 (6AQ8)

   *3개 구입 (33,752원)  2011.12.16

   총구입비용 56,800원



Identical to ECC85 = 6AQ8 = B719 = 6L12
Similar Tubes Normally replaceable-slightly different:
 6T26; ECC865
Heater different:
First year   1954 Tube leaflet collection E.Erb Analysis by original leaflets
First Source (s) Oct.1953 : Telefunken-Röhrenmitteilungen
Feb.1954 : Funkschau (FS) # 3
Predecessor Tubes ECC81   12AT7  

Base Noval, B9A
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If: 0.435 Ampere / -: Indirect / -: Parallel, (AC/DC) /
Description Manufacturers include Mazda/Ediswan, Mullard, Brimar, Marconi, Tungsram. 
Text in other languages (may differ)
Tube prices 17 Tube prices (visible for members only)





8. NOS EABC80 (6AK8) Tubes


  구입비용 (15,325원)     , 총비용 : 37,260원

You are bidding on (3) NOS International Servicemaster 6AK8/EABC80 tubes.  Made in the UK in the 1970's.  All our tubes are tested and guaranteed by us. The tester we use is a computerized cardmatic tester from Tubesontheweb dot com; the specific model is a Western Electric KS-15874-L2 which was made for Western Electric by Hickok.  Our backup tester which we use occasionally is a military TV-10D/U.  Tubes are guaranteed for 30 days, refund or replacement our choice. Thanks for looking at our listing and be sure to check out our store listings and other auctions for additional tubes. (lot ebr1004)


Identical to EABC80 = 6AK8 = 6g3p = DH719 = 6LD12
Similar Tubes Normally replaceable-slightly different:
 6T8; 6TD31; 6TD35
Different connections:
First year   1952 Tube leaflet collection E.Erb Analysis by original leaflets
First Source (s) Jan.1952 : Funk-Technik (FT) 1952, Heft 1
Predecessor Tubes 6T8  

Base Noval, B9A
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If: 0.48 Ampere / -: Indirect / -: Parallel, (AC/DC) /
Description The difference between EABC80 / 6AK8 and 6T8: The EABC80 / 6AK8 has a better shielding between heater and the other electrodes, particularly to the triode control grid, in order to suppress hum. Otherwise they are interchangeable to each other. 
Text in other languages (may differ)
Tube prices 15 Tube prices (visible for members only)

  EABC80: Courtesy Bureau Belper (De Muiderkring, Bussum), Scan




9. NOS/NIB Mullard EF89 (6DA6)

    Audio Amp Radio Vacuum tube DIY

     2011.12.20일 - 구입가격 (12,170원)  총구입비 37,790원

    Audio Output Pentode Vacuum tube. MADE IN GREAT BRITAIN.   Guaranteed NOS.


Identical to EF89 = 6DA6
Similar Tubes Heater different:
Different connections:
 6EC7; 6F18; W739
Multiple differences or of other kind:
 6DG7; EF89F
First year   1954 -- Collector info (Sammler)
First Source (s) 01.Feb.1954 : Funkschau (FS) # 3
Oct.1953 : Telefunken-Röhrenmitteilungen
Predecessor Tubes EF85   EF41  

Base Noval, B9A
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If: 0.2 Ampere / -: Indirect / -: Parallel / series AC/DC /
Tube prices 6 Tube prices (visible for members only)





10. Vintage RCA Electronic Vacuum Tube 6BN8 NOS * 1개
    2011.12.25 구입 ($9.95) 총비용 : 36,040원


Identical to 6BN8
Similar Tubes Other characteristic (electr. data):
Heater different:
First Source (s) 24.Oct.1955 : Electron Tube Registration List

Base Noval, B9A (Codex=Ui)
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If: 0.3 Ampere / -: Parallel / series AC/DC /
Description The Noval TwinDiode-Triode 6BN8 has nothing to do w/ the Octal(K8A)TwinDiode-Pentode 6BN8G  
Text in other languages (may differ)
Tube prices 0 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Literature Essential Characteristics, GE 1973   
Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   





11.  6HS6  Vintage TUNG-SOL Electronic Vacuum Tube NOS * 1개

       2011.12.25구입 ($19.95)   총비용 : 48,720원



Identical to 6HS6

Base Miniatur-7-Pin-Base B7G, USA 1940
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If: 0.45 Ampere / -: Indirect / -: Parallel, (AC/DC) /
Tube prices 4 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Literature Essential Characteristics, GE 1973   





12. EM80 = 6BR5 = 6E1P MAGIC EYE TUBES NEW NOS 1970s

      2개 2011.12.29 구입  (총비용: 46,310원)

2 x 6E1P Magic eye tubes.

Equivalent of  6BR5 & EM80.

6E1P, Light indicator, Visual tuning of FM receiver.

Intended to indicate of setup in the wide application of radio devices.

Application Visual tuning of FM receiver.

Tubes made in 1970s
Socket type rsh8.

The tubes are never used. NOS.


13. 2Pcs Beijing Shuguang 6E2 EM87 magic eye bar TUBES
      $9.99 (12,000원)    총구입비: 33,600원 (2012.1.6)

The 6E2 is identical to 6HU6 EM87 EM84A and CV10407; and Close or similar to EM84 and EM840(*)






1. 4 tubes  Telefunken   

 $ 122.51 (137,000원)  총비용 : 219,600원 (관세: 30,135원 포함)



Item condition: --
Ended: Sep 07, 201111:38:06 PDT
Bid history:
Winning bid: US $122.51
Shipping: $10.00 Expedited ShippingSee more services  

4 x Tubes Telefunken ECL82 with Originalbox and Diamond ( <> ) on the bottom. The Tubes are new.

4 x Röhren Telefunken ECL82 mit Originalverpackung und Raute. Die Röhren sind neu.


2. 6 tubes  Telefunken   

    $130 (145,428원)    총비용 : 303,190원 (관세 35,000원)

     무게가 10kg으로 계산됨...


 Vintage High-End Telefunken Audio Tubes

This auction is: six ( 6 pieces ) original  Telefunken  ECL82 , ( similar: 6BM8 ) , with <> , vintage audio tubes , made by Telefunken in western Germany in the 60's , in excellent condition , all these Tubes have the <> Diamond mark <> on bottom  , all these tubes tested on my Funke W19s tube tester with very good results , good starts at 2,1/21mA !!! all these tubes have ca. 4,0/48mA , 3,2/48mA , 3,4/46mA , 3,8/46mA , 3,4/46mA , 3,6/47mA !!! ( 100 % starts ca. at 3,0/35....3,5/40mA ) .... you can make three (3) matched pair's , or one matched quad  + two from these



3. 4 tubes  Telefunken   

 $ 117.5 (131,494원)  총비용 : 207,820원 (관세: 29,501원 포함)


MANUFACTURER : Telefunken <> with Diamond

TYP :  ECL82 6BM8 Triode+Pentode

QTY.: 4


CODE # B7214118 n/a n/a n/a

TEST EQUIPMENT : Funke W19 Cards 1003 + 1004

EMISSIONS (2,1/21mA = good) : 3,4/40mA  3,4/40mA 3,4/40mA 3,4/40mA

TESTED on : September 4 2011


4. 4 tubes  Telefunken   

 $ 76 (85,051원)  총비용 : 126,560




4. 2x ECL82 Telefunken 


 $ 76 (95,131원)  총비용 : 144,540










1. ECL82 Tubes 


2011.9.8. 이베이옥션 경매당첨

2 x Tubes Tungsram ECL82 with Originalbox. The Tubes are new.

2 x Röhren Tungsram ECL82 mit Originalverpackung. Die Röhren sind neu.

Der Versand innerhalb Deutschland kostet 2,50 Euro unversichert.


$18 ( 20,064) 54,590



ECL82 = 6BM8 = 6f3p = 6PL12_MAZDA
Similar Tubes Normally replaceable-slightly different:
Different maximum ratings:
Heater different:
 LCL82; PCL82; UCL82; XCL82
First year   1956 Tube leaflet collection E.Erb Analysis by original leaflets
First Source (s) Jun.1956 : Funkschau (FS) 1956, Heft 11
Predecessor Tubes ECL113   ECL81  
Successor Tubes ECL86  

Base Noval, B9A
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / -: Indirect /
Description Triode + Beam-Power-Output-Tetrode;launched late 1955. During the long standing domination of the EABC80 there was little demand for combined pre + output AF-tubes. Hence, only the ECL82, intended for TV-circuits, was available. Its triode unit is oversized as preamp, while its output unit is designed for only 200 volts - inexpedient for AC line radios, and has also a rather low amplification. 
Text in other languages (may differ)
Tube prices 3 Tube prices (visible for members only)






2. ECL82

 4 x Tubes Philips ECL82 with same Code, Top Plate and Originalbox. The Tubes was made by Mullard. The Tubes are new. The Code is OG2 B3H3.


4 x Röhren Philips ECL82 mit gleichem Code, Metallgitter und


Produziert bei Mullard. Die Röhren sind neu. Der Code ist OG2 B3H3.

Der Versand innerhalb Deutschland kostet 2,50 Euro unversichert.


$61 (67,995) : 105,870




3. ECL82 (6BM8)

 4 x Tubes Philips ECL82 with same Code, Top Plate and Originalbox. The Tubes was made by Mullard. The Tubes are new. The Code is OG2 B4E4.


4 x Röhren Philips ECL82 mit gleichem Code, Metallgitter und Originalverpackung. Produziert bei Mullard. Die Röhren sind neu. Der Code ist OG2 B4E4.

Der Versand innerhalb Deutschland kostet 2,50 Euro unversichert.


$66 ( 73,568) : 111,830





4. ECL82 (6BM8)

#####   2011.7.25. 경매

$25 (23,408) 52,260


A vintage/original Pair of 2 Used Hi-Fi-era Vacuum Tubes. Both are Motorola / Mullard / IEC ECL82-6BM8 - matched pair (?) both marked 1022-031 / OG2 BOD. Found at a local Garage Sale - I am unable to test these Tubes so they are being sold as you see them, untested w/ No Refunds - please bid accordingly.

Visually they appear to be in nice original used/untested condition showing light overall wear. The original Mullard box shows light shelf wear w/ some pencil writing.





5. ECL82 (6BM8)

##### 2011.7.21 구입

      $21.99 (26,736원) 즉시구매가 (계 : 60,140원)





















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